Online Album
Friends upload
Load contents per email to your Online Album
Now you and your friends can easily upload photos, videos and music from your emails to your Online Album. A special email address has been arranged for your Online Album, which receives email with attachments and automatically uploads contents to your Online Album, either into the archive or directly to an album of your choice.
Activate email upload
1. Activation of the "Email upload" function
Log in to MAGIX Online World. In Control Center, click on the "Online Album" menu. Here, select the "Upload per email" entry. TO activate the function, set a check ark next to "Activate upload per email" and click on "Save".
2. Change settings
You now have the option to select whether contents will be uploaded to you Online Album only from your email address or from any email address.
If you select the "Any visitor" option, with the "Upload only to the archive" option, you can make sure that contents are uploaded only to the archive for later sorting, and not directly to a specific album. This gives you more control and security over your Online Album content.
3. Set email upload address
You can change the email upload address of your Online Album by clicking on "change" in the "Your upload email address is:" area and set the text before the "@".
4. Save settings
To save and activate all settings, click on "Save".
Using email upload
1. Invite friends to upload to your Online Album archive
Open your Online Media Manager and click in the top tool bar on "Invite" and then on the "To invite to upload to the Online Album" option.
Now, select who should receive the invitation email to upload to your Online Album "Archive".
Here, you can select existing contacts from your contacts list or enter email addresses per hand, separated with a comma. Then, click on "Invite".
You selected contacts will now receive an invitation email (with an introduction). They have to simply reply to it. Photos. videos and music have to be included as attachments (max. 20 MB). These will then be automatically uploaded into your Online Album archive. As soon as someone has uploaded something to your Online Album archive, you will be notified per email. To help you find the contents quickly, these will be placed into temporary folders within the archive, labeled with the upload date.
2. Invite friends to upload sirectly to an Online Album album
Open you Online Media Manager and select "Upload for friends" option in the album of your choice.
Now, select who should receive an invitation email to upload to your Online Album "archive".
Here, you can select already existing contacts from your contact list or enter email addresses
(separated by a comma) per hand. When finished, click "Invite".
Your selected contacts will now receive an invitation email (with an introduction). They simply have to answer to this email (it is important, that they do not change the subject of the email). Contents (photos, videos, music) have to be attached to the email (max. 20 MB). These will then be automatically uploaded to the selected album in Online Album. As soon as someone has uploaded something to your Online Album, you will receive a notification email.