Publishing your website is easy with MAGIX
MAGIX makes it possible to publish externally created HTML websites in MAGIX Online World. Individual files are transferred to the website via FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to your Online World webspace and may then be viewed at your web address ( in the Internet. You may also host self-made HTML websites in parallel to your Online Album website or your Website Maker websites with MAGIX.
Publish with Web Designer
1. Sign in
In Xara/MAGIX Web Designer select the Publish option.
This will open the MAGIX Online World sign in dialog. If you already have a MAGIX Online World account, enter your account details and click Sign in. If you don’t have an account select the ‘Register for Free’ option.
1. If you want to stay signed in to MAGIX Online World after you close Web Designer, check the ‘keep me signed in’ option.
2. If you want to publish to an alternative web host select the ‘Publish to an alternative web host ..’ option.
2. Choose a web address / domain
Now you can choose a web address from the list of web addresses available in your MAGIX Online World account.
MAGIX offers a free web address in the format
If you need your own top level domain (or, .info etc) select the option ‘New web address ...’ which will connect you with MAGIX’s domain registration service.
Optional sub-folder:
If you want to publish your website to a sub-folder, then enter the sub-folder name in this field. The sub-folder name will be added to your chosen web address eg and all files will be saved to this sub-folder.
3. Upload website. Done!
Click on Publish. The time it takes to publish will depend on the size of your site and your connection, but you will see an upload progress bar in the top right corner.
When publishing is complete you should see a confirmation:.
That’s it, your website is published and available on the web!
Publish with Web Designer (version 6, 7, 8)
1. Open the "publish website" function
2. Entering FTP access data
3. Setting up the Export folder
The file name of your initial page must be named index.htm or index.html (lowercase letters).
4. Transfer data
Publish the website with an FTP program
FTP is already included in most programs for website creation. Alternatively, there are many free FTP programs available (most are simply named FTP clients). FileZilla is a very good FTP client, which you may download for free here:
1. Enter FTP login data
2. Select website files and folders
The file name of your initial page must be named index.htm or index.html (lowercase letters).