

The ultimate

Online Album       





Share your Online Album

with your friends, family and neighbors!

Your Online Album makes it possible for your friends, family and neighbors to share your experiences and memories, no matter where in the world they may be. Show them your best photos in impressive slideshows, accompanied by your favorite music, or present members of your sports club pictures from your last game. Invite friends to upload photos to your album and present their albums. Free yourself of your computer and upload photos and videos to your Online Album using your iPhone App from anywhere. Wherever in the world your loved ones may be, simply invite them to visit your Online Album per email via your contact management and share your best moments with them.

with your family!

Show your parents photos from your last vacation or videos of what your little ones are up to these days! With the Online Album you can present your best recordings simply and elegantly. Fully protected from unauthorized access, of course.

with your friends!

Exchanging photos and videos from the last party? No problem! Easily publish photos of you and your friends from the last party on Online Album and share the highlights with your guests, inviting them per email and letting them share the photos from your album homepage.

with your fans!

Publish photos, music videos and songs from your concerts or studio sessions for your fans, or upload photos for journalists and concert organizers to download. Your album homepage may even be accessed via your own

Overview of all the advantages:

  • Your personal address: Your album homepage may be easily accessed by your family and friends via your own domain (

  • Invite friends: Easily invite friends and neighbors to your Online Album per email via the contact list

  • Customized e-cards and photo emails: Surprise your family members and friends with self-designed e-cards or photo email

  • Pass your photos and videos on: Let your contacts download your albums

  • Upload together: Let your contacts upload photos and videos to your album homepage per email

  • All friends at a glance: With clear contact management, you can easily have all your friends and family in overview